• Question: What is a postgraduate researcher

    Asked by anon-324384 to Daisy on 27 Mar 2022.
    • Photo: Daisy Shearer

      Daisy Shearer answered on 27 Mar 2022:

      A postgraduate researcher is another term for a PhD student.

      I prefer this term because it better describes what I do day-to-day. Rather than being what you might typically think of as a ‘student’, I don’t take any classes (in fact, I teach some!) and I’m essentially a full-time researcher working on my PhD research project within a wider research team. It’s called ‘postgraduate’ because I graduated with my first degree (an MPhys in physics) before becoming a postgraduate researcher.

      Here’s a bit more info about what a postgraduate researcher is:

      Postgraduate Researcher (HE)

      And you can check out the ‘my typical day’ section on my profile to see some pictures of what I get up to every day in this role!
