• Question: who was your idol as a child

    Asked by anon-322225 on 22 Mar 2022.
    • Photo: Alistair McShee

      Alistair McShee answered on 22 Mar 2022:

      I didn’t really have one! I wanted to be an inventor like Wallace from Wallace & Gromit, but didn’t base a whole career on that, even though my current job does allow me to build new things which is pretty close to inventing!

    • Photo: Victoria Fawcett

      Victoria Fawcett answered on 23 Mar 2022:

      Mainly my mum, who was a maths teacher and so encouraged me to pursue science!
      Also my Physics A level teachers who were the reason I decided to take both maths and physics at University.

    • Photo: Daisy Shearer

      Daisy Shearer answered on 24 Mar 2022:

      I didn’t have an idol as a child but when I was in high school I read about an incredible mathematician called Emmy Noether and became very inspired by her! She had a huge impact on theoretical physics and was a true trailblazer. You can find out more about her on Wikipedia here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmy_Noether
