• Question: do you think the big bang Is real

    Asked by anon-319071 on 13 Mar 2022.
    • Photo: Victoria Fawcett

      Victoria Fawcett answered on 13 Mar 2022:

      Yes! We have lots of Physics, theories and predictions that all seem to point towards a Big Bang so Physicists are pretty sure that is how the Universe began.
      What came before the Big Bang, we don’t know…

    • Photo: Daisy Shearer

      Daisy Shearer answered on 14 Mar 2022: last edited 14 Mar 2022 8:16 am

      Yes, I do. There is a lot of evidence that the big bang did happen, such as redshift (which shows us that objects in space are moving away from us so we know that the universe is still expanding from an initial explosion) and the cosmic microwave background radiation- CMB (which is a trace of the extreme heat leftover from the Big Bang that hasn’t cooled down even after billions of years).

      The CMB looks like this:

      (this image is from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_microwave_background)

      It’s a really cool astrophysics/cosmology measurement!

    • Photo: Luke Humphrey

      Luke Humphrey answered on 14 Mar 2022: last edited 14 Mar 2022 12:04 pm

      Yes, although the name is a bit misleading. If you look at the universe now and calculate where everything must have come from based on what it’s doing now, you find out that everything must have started from a singularity (all of the universe existing in a single point).

      The scientist who first proposed the theory was called Lemaitre, and he called it the “Cosmic Egg” which I think is a much better name. The “Big Bang” was actually used to make fun of the theory, but the name ended up sticking! Can’t beat alteration I suppose.

      At university I worked on “nucleosynthesis”, which is basically the study of where each elements came from, because just after the big bang there were no elements at first, just primordial matter which eventually formed into the simplest elements (hydrogen, helium, a tiny bit of lithium) as the universe expanded cooled down. Everything else was made by fusion in stars, then expelled into the universe to form new stars and planets once the original star died. The sun is a third generation star. This means the first stars made since the big bang were its grandparents, so-to-speak. Doesn’t the universe feel quite young when you think of it like that?

    • Photo: Lucy Lawrence

      Lucy Lawrence answered on 14 Mar 2022:

      This is the best question!!!I AND, it’s the oldest question in human history. Everyone’s asked it, from philosophers and poets to mathematicians and physicists. So great job ✨💪

      The universe is a very big place, and it’s been around for a very long time. Thinking about how it all started is hard to imagine.From speeding galaxies to ancient gas clouds, there is evidence that we can detect today – the remnants of the Big Bang, that tell a clear story about the origins of our Universe.

      Astronomers and cosmologists (astronomers who study the Universe entire) believe the Universe might have started in a Big Bang. But of course, other theories have been proposed, such as the M-Brane Theory, which says that the Big Bang happened after the collision of hyperdimensional M-branes.So the Big Bang Theory might well be modified or dispensed with altogether, depending on what future generations of astronomers find…… Crazy to think of right!?

      But for now, the Big Bang theory is the best explanation we have for how the cosmos came to be.

    • Photo: Alistair McShee

      Alistair McShee answered on 15 Mar 2022:

      Very much so, the next big question is what caused it!
