• Question: if you decided you didn't want to continue your current job what job would you want to apply for?

    Asked by anon-322991 to Lucy, Daisy on 27 Mar 2022.
    • Photo: Daisy Shearer

      Daisy Shearer answered on 27 Mar 2022: last edited 27 Mar 2022 11:44 am

      This is a really interesting thing for me to think about because my time as a PhD student is coming to an end (I should graduate and become a Dr of physics later this year!) so my current job will be ending.

      Here are some of the things I’m considering applying for once my PhD project comes to an end:
      ⚛ Continuing as a researcher in academia (at a university) in quantum technology
      ⚛ Becoming a teaching fellow in physics at a university (this would allow me to teach undergraduate physics, do research into physics education, and do research into quantum physics)
      ⚛ Becoming a full-time science journalist/writer (I do some freelance science writing at the moment, e.g. for ‘Physics World’)
      ⚛ Becoming a full-time science communicator / Public Engagement Professional (currently science communication is my main hobby– especially on Instagram where my page has an audience of over 18, 000 people. I’m also a part-time ‘inspirer’ at a science centre where I perform science shows so I can see myself doing that more full-time too.)
      ⚛ Being a subject librarian at a university
      ⚛ Going into scientific publication, e.g. as a journal editor
      ⚛ Transitioning into industry as a quantum technology scientist/engineer helping develop new technologies
      ⚛ Transitioning into industry as a scientist/engineer who designs new equipment for quantum technology researchers, such as the dilution refrigerators used for quantum computers, like this one:

      (This image is from https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/analysis/cooling-quantum-computers/)

      So I have lots of options! I’m still very undecided as to what I want to do after my PhD. I’d like to stay in research somewhat but as you can see I’m also really interested in science communication and higher education teaching so I want to be able to do all of them. I figure I’ll throw the net wide and apply for a bunch of jobs that seem interesting and see which ones I get offered. Then I’ll decide what I think will suit me best and what fits in with my ideal lifestyle and interests the most!
